My Style
My style combines elements from different genres. My emphasis is on making art through the use of light, shadow, color, and texture to create one-of-kind images for my clients.
I draw inspiration from architecture, art, cinematography, other photographers, or something I notice in my everyday life.
I’m constantly trying to up my game and I see an opportunity within boudoir to push the limits of what’s already been done and bring something new to the art form.
My Life
I grew up in Virginia, California and England and attended Berklee College of Music in Boston graduating with a B.A. in Film Scoring.
I then moved to Los Angeles to pursue acting, screenwriting, and filmmaking which I did for many years, and was a period of incredible growth both artistically and personally.
My photography has been the beneficiary of all these endeavors and I wouldn't be the photographer I am today without those creative experiences.
My Process
For me, composing a photograph is similar to composing a piece of music. Every instrument has a unique quality and tone just as every element in a photo has its own unique quality and tone, from subject and wardrobe to lighting and color palette — all these “instruments” need to be arranged in such a way that they create a harmonious visual experience that is emotionally moving as well.
Mood is a big part of my work.
With music you create mood with notes, instrumentation, and dynamics. With photography these elements are light, color, texture, and expression.
If I can infuse story into an image the viewer will experience that image on two levels — one, aesthetically — the other, dramatically.
I have a vision of where I want to end up but I don’t think one ever truly “arrives” at a final destination with art.
You keep learning and growing, and trying new things, and the journey continues day after day, week after week, year after year — until you’ve created a body of work that resonates with who you are and what you wanted to say in that period of time in your life… and hopefully others will appreciate that as well.
2023 Best of Boudoir 2023 Association of International Boudoir Photographers
2023 Fstoppers – Editor’s Pick
2023 Fstoppers – Photo of the Day
2022 Fstoppers – Photo of the Day
Best of Boudoir 2021 Association of International Boudoir Photographers
2020 WPPI Third Place – Boudoir Category
2020 WPPI Silver Award
2020 WPPI Silver Award
2020 Chromatic Awards – Honorable Mention
2019 Association of International Boudoir Photographers – Top Ten
2019 Fstoppers – Monthly Choice Winner (Aug.)
2019 Fstoppers – Photo of the Day
In her twenties my sister had a photo shoot done on the beach in a bikini.
I can’t tell you how proud she was of those images and the impact they had on her confidence and how she viewed herself, despite struggling with weight her whole life.
As her health deteriorated, she always kept her favorite image from that shoot on her refrigerator door, giving her much pride and joy.
I saw first hand the impact a photo shoot like that can have in someone’s life and grateful to be able to provide that for women today.